Have you ever considered how deeply present you are in every movement you make in the world…? How alive you are in each embrace, each spoken word of love and appreciation, each act you make in what you describe as your optimal career, your life’s work?
Reactionary behavior is catabolic as opposed to a response, which is anabolic.
It’s a huge difference.
Anabolic energy is something that builds us up, like an anabolic steroid, also called “juicing.” It builds muscle and it builds us up as emotional beings. Catabolic energy breaks us down. It’s negative energy. It’s something that takes away from us, makes us frustrated or angry. Because they’re catabolic, reactions diminish us as the one reacting, and someone else, the one we are reacting towards. They can also tend to lead to “reaction complexes.”
On the other hand, a response is a mindful, planned action based on a particular stimulus that is weighed to a desired outcome. Responding doesn’t mean that I’m not doing something. It’s an absolute action. The question is, “Is my action going to work towards or against my ultimate goal of a loving relationship, an effective manifestation of my passion, an optimal body?” For example, if I want to discuss buying a house, I may ask myself the question, “is what I’m about to do or say going to create peace?” It may not lead to an answer as to whether we are going to buy a house or not, but if I speak about it in a loving, kind way, with curiosity and openness, it’s going to create a space for response and openness.
This type of paradigm shift from reaction to response, transaction to process, can be frightening for a number of people. If you truly shift toward a process model, you can not easily hide behind a transactional viewpoint that claims there’s a right way and a wrong way to be in the world, in life, in a relationship. In a process paradigm that is rooted in mindful, grounded responses, one is neither right nor wrong and likewise there is no supposition that a ring on one’s finger means you must behave a certain way. Process is an invitation to be authentic, present and kind. Plug that into your drop-down menu!
I wholeheartedly support you in uncovering your deep, authentic purpose within and without. If I can support you today in that special work, please don’t hesitate to RESPOND (reach out).