There are beautiful memories full of giggles and winks, passion, and binge-watching afternoons. Still, there are few experiences in life that can leave us feeling as powerless, and as stuck, as our relationships. Whether it’s the silent treatment, the bickering, the months of trekking through the sexual tundra, or, that personal favorite, the “F**k It!” button where we simply say, “what’s the point, let’s just end this here and now,” relationships are not easy work.
Regardless of whether you’ve been together a month or an eternity, we all need a sense of renewal in our meaningful partnerships. But here’s the good news- you don’t have to suffer in the Soup any longer than it takes to read this book. Renew Your Wows takes us on a journey of self-discovery that invites a shift in the way we relate to the people in our lives. Renew Your Wows takes months of intensive individual and couples counseling and offers the highlights!
Renew Your Wows teaches us:
- To identify and reclaim the Self
- To determine the relational landscape we have created and see whether our paradigm indeed meshes well with that of our partner
- To learn how to Respond instead of React to a vast array of circumstances
- To learn how to differentiate needs from expectations and establish an effective way to communicate that doesn’t invite a defensive reaction from our partners
- To create a structure for general communication with friends, family, co-workers and yes, our partners, that is conducive to joyful living and mutual respect
- To establish a set of protocols that help us plan our responses and keep exchanges clean and kind
- To separate Facts from Feelings in our daily discourse in order to understand how we need to be heard as well as truly hearing others
- To know when a relationship no longer serves us and to make a change happen with respect, kindness and peace
Purchase your copy of Renew Your Wows today and receive a FREE downloadable Action Guide that brings the ideas and exercises to life!